20 July 2011

Some better Priest pics + More Sternguard WIP

 I just entered this dude into the MWC contest. Here are some better pics that I took for the comp. I have also sorted out my camera so in the posts after this (apart from sternguard tutorial update), the quality should be better.

I have also been working on my sternguard as you can see although these pics are a bit old, I have them finished now, with only the belts on the weapons to do and I need to base them appropriately. I have a very nice looking base for my vendetta finished too.


  1. Мить, когда ты его раскрасишь он получится очень толстый.ПОВЕРЬ мне!!!
    Я сделал Вулкан Ге'стан. Он похож на бочку с руками.
    Я в следующий раз буду игграть Эльдарами.

  2. Хорошо! Я сделал карту для компании но лутче играть в четвером... :)



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